Episode 81: Farewell GamesMaster Magazine

When GamesMaster magazine launched way back in December 1992 it was a big deal! With the tv show bringing gaming to the mainstream, Future publishing had been hard at work ready to capitalise on the ready made audience. GamesMaster was the new and exciting multi-format magazine covering Nintendo, Sega, Amiga, PC and much more.

Over the next 25 years the magazine became a mainstay on the magazine racks of shops. As gaming grew up through the arrival of PlayStation, N64, Dreamcast, GameBoy Advance and others the magazine always made sure all the formats were covered by the passionate writers of the magazine.

However earlier this year news broke of Future deciding to end GamesMaster magazine. In this episode Paul speaks to final editorĀ  of the magazine Robin Valentine. Robin had worked on the magazine for several years working his way up to editor and shares some of his experiences from working on the magazine and what he was proudest of. As well as this another previous editor Matt Gilman talks about why he feels GamesMaster was so important to so many people and shares a few stories about his time in Japan, some of his favourite games from his time on the mag and more.

We hope you enjoy the show and if you haven’t already please check out episode 40 for more GamesMaster chat with staff from issue 1 of the magazine.

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