Episode 37: Amiga Memories

Welcome to the latest episode of the show. This time Paul is joined by new team member Julian Hill of Boxed Pixels fame. They sit down to discuss the extremely popular Amiga – the fantastic home computer that was in so many homes with an amazing line up of games.

Covering so many genres the Amiga covered it all from platformers such as Robocod, Superfrog to sim games such as Theme Park, Populous and loads more. If this wasn’t enough it had an amazing demo scene showing off loads of great music and videos.

So join us as we discuss a few favourite games and memories from the Commodore Amiga.

Music tracks featured are:
SWIV – Intro
Shadow of the Beast 3 – Level 1
The Chaos Engine – Intro

Also check out www.boxedpixels.co.uk for Julian’s work, www.hyperplayrpg.com for the excellent fanzine by friend of the show Kincl and finally www.bitmapbooks.co.uk  for some amazing books including ones covering Amiga titles such as the Gremlin book we covered in episode 20.

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